How to increase platelets naturally?

How to increase platelets naturally?

If we can understand about platelets in a simple way, then it can be said that these are the cells that stop the blood from flowing. In case of bleeding from the blood vessel due to any injury or other reason in the body, the work of stopping the blood is done by platelets. Lack of platelets mainly causes problems. Next we will know what platelets are, the functions of platelets, why they decrease, the symptoms and causes of platelets deficiency and ways to increase them, etc. Long-term bleeding from cuts, bleeding from the gums or nose, blood in urine or feces, women may complain of abnormally heavy menstruation, fatigue, and general weakness when platelets are low in number. How to increase platelets naturally?Let us know the ways to increase platelets through this article.

Platelets should be examined if there are complaints of constant body pain after fever. In fact, the same symptoms of decreased platelets are also the same. Dizziness and body aches are a sign of decreased platelets. However, there is no need to worry, because with the help of some things this problem can be overcome. Platelets are small blood cells, especially found in the bonmarrow. The lack of platelets is a sign that the strength of blood diseases is decreasing. The normal platelet count in a healthy person is 150 thousand to 450 thousand per microliter. When this count goes below 150 thousand per microliter, it is considered low platelet.

Measures to increase platelets -


Amla is a popular Ayurvedic medicine used to increase the count of platelets. Vitamin C in amla can help increase platelet production and boost your immune system. For this, drink 3 to 4 gooseberry on an empty stomach every morning.

Wheat Grass

Vet grass can be beneficial in increasing platelets count. In fact, it can produce significant increases in the amount of hemoglobin, red blood cells, total white blood cells and different white blood cells. This is because vet grass is high in chlorophyll with a molecular structure almost identical to the hemoglobin molecule in human blood. Just drink a little lemon juice mixed with half a cup of wheat grass juice.

Use of sesame oil

This cold pressed oil is beneficial in increasing the number of platelets count. Sesame oil has properties that can naturally increase platelets levels. This reduces free elements damage, inflammation in the body and improves blood circulation. Take 1 to 2 tablespoons of sesame oil twice a day. You can massage the areas of lymph node externally with some sesame oil to increase platelets count. Also, you should use cold pressed sesame oil for cooking.

How to increase platelets naturally?

Drink plenty of water

Blood cells are made up of water and protein, so you are advised to drink more water every day. When it comes to low platelets count, avoid drinking cold water, as it can adversely affect your digestive system and the body is not able to absorb nutrients properly. Instead, drink filters and pure water that is at room temperature. How to increase platelets naturally?This helps in producing more blood cells in your body and ultimately improves platelets count. Drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water regularly.

regular exercise

Regular exercise will boost blood circulation, improve your immune system and may increase platelets. Some specific exercises can help increase different levels of low platelets count.

sugar beets

People usually consume beet as a salad. This is done as a popular diet to increase platelet counts. The beetroot, being rich in natural antioxidants and hemostatic elements, can increase the platelet count within a few days. If you mix two to three teaspoons of beetroot with carrots daily then the growth of blood platelets accelerates.


Papaya is considered very beneficial for increasing the amount of platelets, the use of both fruits and leaves increases the amount of platelets in a few days. In dengue fever, consumption of papaya leaf juice is very beneficial when the number of platelets is low. You can also drink papaya leaves like tea. For this, boil it in water and drink it, it will taste like green tea.

coconut water

Coconut water is very beneficial to increase the number of blood platelets in the body. Electrolytes are abundant in coconut water. Apart from this, it is also a good source of mineral because it does not allow the lack of blood platelets in the body.


While eating the pumpkin vegetable, we do not even know that it is an important diet to increase the platelet count. Pumpkin rich in vitamin A helps in proper growth of platelets. It increases the level of platelets by controlling the level of protein produced in cells.How to increase platelets naturally?


Giloy's juice is effective in increasing the platelet in the blood. If you take it regularly during dengue disease, it increases the blood platelets and it strengthens your immunity. For this, a pinch of Giloy extract should be taken with one teaspoon of honey twice a day.

How to increase platelets naturally?


Spinach is a good source of vitamin 'K' and is often used to help treat low platelet disorders. Vitamin 'K' is required for the correct blood clotting. In this way it reduces the risk of too much bleeding. Put 4 to 5 fresh spinach leaves in two cups of water and boil for a few minutes. Keep it to cool down. After this, mix half a glass of tomatoes and drink it thrice a day.

Try these too:-

- Cook only raw food and eat raw instead of food.

- Kiwi also helps in increasing platelets.

- Take carrots regularly.

- Electrolytes and minerals are extremely helpful in increasing platelets. Both these elements are abundant in coconut water.

- Goat milk also increases platelets.

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