How to increase height?

How to increase height?

By now you have learned about all the ways to lose weight and gain weight, but apart from this problem among people, there is also a matter of height. Many people are worried about their small height. By the way, the problem of height in children is genetic. Whose parents are tall, their children are also tall but if a little hard work is done then everyone can be tall.

If your height is small then you can adapt yourself according to your height. Yes, here we are telling you some such exercises to increase the height, by which you will not only be able to grow tall but also remain fit. Even if we are over 25 years of age, how to increase height?

we can also enlarge our body with the help of Exercise. Let's know the pranayama to increase height:

We can stretch our body in many ways, you can exercise in the same way by looking at the stretching exercises in the photo below.

1-Pull -Up Bars: You can also see such bars like Lohi sticks in a garden or gym near you. Hold them tight and hang them and leave the body to relax. Then slowly pull yourself upwards and then bring it down. In this way, the veins of your body get stretched.

How to increase height?

2-Downward facing dog: (Downward dog posture yogasana) Come on your hands and feet. Bring the body to the position of a table. Your back should be like the upper part of the table and both arms and legs are like the feet of the table. Exhale, raise the waist. Make the V-shape upside down from your body while straightening your knees and to increase height?

3-Cobra pose (Bhujang posture): Let the feet and half of the body remain on the ground and let the chest to neck stand for a while like a cobra's fun. In this, lie on your stomach and keep your hands close to the waist from the ground. Then, with the help of them, lift half of the body upwards and stay in this position for some time. Do this 10 times. This asana is very helpful in increasing your height.

4-Pison pose: First of all sit by laying mats on the floor. Keep both your legs in the front, now bend your right leg towards the knee and stretch the left leg towards the back. Keep your palms close to the ground. Hold in this position for about 30 seconds. Do the second step in the same way - in this position, while stretching the neck, move your head backwards. Stay awhile in this state. Repeat this for about 3 to 6 times.

5- Cat & cow stretch: Place the palm on the floor, bending both knees. Now stretch your neck upwards. Exhaling, come to the cat pose. 

Aprt from increasing the height, stretching of thyse with this asana also helps in resting in the pen.

6- Calves Stretch: This asana is done in many ways. You can also do this with the help of a wall. Both hands on the wall a short distance away from the body and the neck bowed down. One leg moved towards the wall and one to the back side. how to increase height?Stand like this for a while. In such a situation, there is a stretch in the bones and your height increases.

7 Swimming: Swimming not only increases your height but also keeps you fit. It is considered to be the best pranayama.

8- Skipping: Some people find it very easy to jump rope, while some are also very afraid of it. However, gradually you will get used to it, then this pranayama is the best and simplest way to increase the height.

9- Neck Stretch: To do this pranayama, first of all, first of all, sit directly on the chair or the ground. Now place your right hand on the head. Tilt it to the right. Stop for a while and then keep the neck straight. Do the same on the left side. Now come back to the same position. Keep both hands on your knees. Rotate the neck. This not only makes the neck slim and strong, but also eliminates fatigue and increases height.

10- Lifting Up Your Toes: To do this, you have to lift your toes upwards, but remember not to lift them up one by one, but simultaneously.

_I hope this article is helpful for you👍

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